
Strengthen The Root

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and will give you a complete account of the system and expound the actual teachings of the great explore



Innovation, Collaboration

“To empower communities through sustainable initiatives in health, education, and the environment, rooted in the rich heritage of Bangladesh and driven by a commitment to service and compassion.”


kids need help


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Join us in shaping a brighter future for all, one community at a time.

helping people in need

The school’s philosophy is founded on our vision for all children to ASPIRE. At Paul’s Academy, every child will:

  • Achieve their full potential
  • Be Successful in all they do
  • Make Progress in their learning
  • Cultivate Independent learners and thinkers
  • Show Respect for others
  • Be Enthusiastic learners

Embracing Excellence

  1. Compassion: We believe in empathy and understanding towards those in need, fostering a culture of care and support within our communities.
  2. Innovation: We strive to continuously explore new ways to address global challenges in health, education, and the environment, leveraging technology and creative solutions.
  3. Collaboration: We recognize the power of partnerships and teamwork, working hand-in-hand with stakeholders, volunteers, and beneficiaries to maximize our impact.
  4. Integrity: We uphold honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all our endeavors, ensuring accountability and trust in our actions.
  5. Sustainability: We are committed to practices that promote environmental stewardship and long-term sustainability, leaving a positive legacy for future generations.
  6. Inclusivity: We champion diversity and inclusivity, celebrating the unique perspectives and contributions of individuals from all walks of life.
  7. Resilience: We embrace challenges with resilience and determination, adapting to changing circumstances and persevering in our mission to serve humanity.


kids need help


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Join us in shaping a brighter future for all, one community at a time.

about foundation

what have we done with your help

The name "Paul" originates from the Bengali word পা ল / কুমা র, which was the title of all pottery makers in Bangladesh.

The founder of the Pauls Foundation and Paul's Academy is the Paul family, consisting of Rathendra Nath Paul, Suprita Paul, Prajukta Paul, and Soptajit Paul. The root of this family lies in pottery; Rathendra Nath Paul was born into a pottery family and worked hands-on with pottery in the nineteen-eighties.

The Paul family established the Pauls Foundation in 2022 with a volunteer donation of 1 million BDT and a 7-storey green building named "PALBARI," located at Aftabanagar, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

In the same year, Mrs. Suprita Paul, with her 17 years of teaching and academic `experience, established an educational institution named "Paul's Academy" with the motto "knowing thyself for all," focusing more on self-awareness than on understanding other beings and things.

join our Action and everyone can help
..Since.. 1998
Areas of Work

What Does Pauls Foundation Do?

need your help

How Can You help?

together Pledge

Variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration.

Donate for HOmless

Variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration.


Variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration.

need your help

we are always where



We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,



We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,



We help local nonprofits access the funding, tools, training,

We Change Your Life & World

Meet Our executive committee

Suprita Paul

The President

Kazi Shahidul Islam

Vice President

Prajukta Paul

General Secretary

Shuvo Jeet Paul


Rathendro Nath Paul

Executive Member

Ovijit Paul

Executive Member
A Dedication to Personal Wellness

Ambassadors of Pauls Foundation

Your health is paramount in your life, influencing your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. That's why it's crucial to be proac tive about maintaining it and to take preventive measures against illness and disease. Proactive health management involves enhanc ing your well-being before illness strikes.

Ms. Ceighlyn Dawe

Ceighlyn is a dedicated Ambassador for the Pauls Foun dation, embodying a profound commitment to social responsibility and community empowerment. With her passion for education and advocacy, Ceighlyn plays a pivotal role in championing the foundation's initiatives. Additionally, she serves as the Chief Editor of their monthly E-magazine, leveraging her skills to communi cate the foundation's message effectively. Ceighlyn exemplifies the foundation's values of compassion, integrity, and empowerment, making a lasting impact on communities and fostering a brighter future for genera tions to come.

Mr. Luis de Fernando

Luis De Fernando has been an ambassador of the foun dation since its inception, involved in social responsibility and active in any volunteer task focused on the develop ment of the community and promoting all activities relat ed to the education and health of the most disadvan taged. Working for a better future for future generations Luis has been linked to Bangladesh for more than four teen years, where he has worked in different multination al companies in which his work and vision have always been linked to the development of the country. “Small actions are what really produce big changes” is his prac tice and what he requests from those around him to col laborate with projects such as the Pauls Foundation focused on education and human Development His com mitment and gratitude to Bangladesh is the result of the gratitude he feels for this land and its people and we are sure that with his energy and help he will be part of the energy necessary in the development in all respect.

How may you contribute to Pauls Foundation?

Pauls Foundation offers various levels of support with different capacities:


Encouraging individuals to sponsor a child's education at Paul's Acade my for an entire academic year with a payment of $600.


Individuals willing to sponsor the foundation with a one-time payment exceeding $1000.


Those who contribute small monthly amounts, collectively accumulat ing into significant support


Individuals who cover their travel expenses, while the foundation takes care of their accommodation and other necessities.